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Wireless Network52

NFC 기술소개 및 최근 기술 동향 URL : https://www.training.go.kr/Common/DownLoad.asp?path=Board_Research%5C&filename=NFC%B1%E2%BC%FA%BC%D2%B0%B3%B9%D7%C3%D6%B1%D9%B1%E2%BC%FA%B5%BF%C7%E2_%C6%AF%C7%E3%C3%BB_20111216.pdf 1.NFC 개요 2.NFC Forum 표준 소개 3.NFC Air Interface 표준 소개 4.NFC SWP 표준 소개 5.NFC 최근 기술 동향 1. 신용카드, 교통카드로 사용기능 – Card Emulation (Battery Off Mode 지원) 2. 휴대폰에 저장된 데이터(사진, 전화번호부등)를 비접촉으로 PC, 타 휴대폰에 전송 - Peer to Peer comm.. 2014. 3. 13.
Bluetooth LE Advertising Advertising position with battery-less Bluetooth Low Energy URL : http://www.ines.zhaw.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/engineering/_Institute_und_Zentren/INES/Wireless/Dokumente/ew2012_meli_ble_position_tags2.pdf BLUETOOTH LOW-ENERGY: AN INTRODUCTIONURL : http://low-powerwireless.com/blog/2010/07/08/bluetooth-low-energy-an-introduction/ 2014. 3. 3.
Bluetooth LE 소개 NORDIC Introduction to Bluetooth® low energyURL : http://www.eabeurs.nl/files/7013/7085/2988/3_Introduction_to_Bluetooth_low_energy.pdf Bluetooth Smart for Android Written by: Dave Smith on December 3URL : http://www.doubleencore.com/2013/12/bluetooth-smart-for-android/ Bluetooth 4.0: An introduction to Bluetooth Low Energy—Part I URL : http://www.eetimes.com/document.asp?doc_id=1278927 Bluetoot.. 2014. 3. 3.
iBeacon 정보들 iBeacon의 제조사의 Estimote API Documentation 사이트URL : http://estimote.com/api/ Estimote Advertising Packet : Proximity UUDURL : http://community.estimote.com/hc/en-us/articles/200761958-Advertising-Packet-Estimote-s-Proximity-UUID Estimote Android SDK의 GitHubURL : https://github.com/Estimote/Android-SDK RadiusNetwork의 Android Beacon Service의 GitHubURL : https://github.com/RadiusNetworks/android-ibea.. 2014. 3. 3.