URL : https://thenewcircle.com/s/post/1340/Deep_Dive_Into_Binder_Presentation.htm
- Binder Overview
- Advantages of Binder
- Binder vs Intent/ContentProvider/Messenger-based IPC
- Binder Terminology
- Binder Communication and Discovery
- Binder Object Reference Mapping
- Binder by Example
- Async Binder
- Memory Sharing
- Binder Limitations
- Security
What is Binder?
- An IPC/component system for developing object-oriented OS services
+ Not yet another object-oriented kernel
+ Instead an object-oriented operating system environment that works on traditional kernels, like Linux!
- Essential to Android!
- Comes from OpenBinder
+ Started at Be, Inc. as a key part of the "next generation BeOS" (~ 2001)
+ Acquired by PalmSource
+ First implementation used in Palm Cobalt (micro-kernel based OS)
+ Palm switched to Linux, so Binder ported to Linux, open-sourced (~ 2005)
+ Google hired Dianne Hackborn, a key OpenBinder engineer, to join the Android team
+ Used as-is for the initial bring-up of Android, but then completely rewritten (~ 2008)
+ OpenBinder no longer maintained - long live Binder!
- Focused on scalability, stability, flexibility, low-latency/overhead, easy programming model
- Inter-process communication (IPC) is a framework for the exchange of signals and data across multiple processes
- Used for message passing, synchronization, shared memory, and remote procedure calls (RPC)
- Enables information sharing, computational speedup, modularity, convenience, privilege separation, data isolation, stability
+ Each process has its own (sandboxed) address space, typically running under a unique system ID
- Many IPC options
+ Files (including memory mapped)
+ Signals
+ Sockets (UNIX domain, TCP/IP)
+ Pipes (including named pipes)
+ Semaphores
+ Shared memory
+ Message passing (including queues, message bus)
+ Intents, ContentProviders, Messenger
+ Binder!
Why Binder?
- Android apps and system services run in separate processes for security, stability, and memory management reasons, but they need to communicate and share data!
+ Security: each process is sandboxed and run under a distinct system identity
+ Stability: if a process misbehaves (e.g. crashes), it does not affect any other processes
+ Memory management: "unneeded" processes are removed to free resources (mainly memory) for new ones
+ In fact, a single Android app can have its components run in separate processes
- IPC to the rescue
+ But we need to avoid overhead of traditional IPC and avoid denial of service issues
- Android’s libc (a.k.a. bionic) does not support System V IPCs,
+ No SysV semaphores, shared memory segments, message queues, etc.
+ System V IPC is prone to kernel resource leakage, when a process "forgets" to release shared IPC resources upon termination
+ Buggy, malicious code, or a well-behaved app that is low-memory SIGKILL'ed
- Binder to the rescue!
+ Its built-in reference-counting of "object" references plus death-notification mechanism make it suitable for "hostile" environments (where lowmemorykiller roams)
+ When a binder service is no longer referenced by any clients, its owner is automatically notified that it can dispose of it
- Many other features:
+ "Thread migration" - like programming model:
* Automatic management of thread-pools
* Methods on remote objects can be invoked as if they were local - the thread appears to "jump" to the other process
* Synchronous and asynchronous (oneway) invocation model
+ Identifying senders to receivers (via UID/PID) - important for security reasons
+ Unique object-mapping across process boundaries
* A reference to a remote object can be passed to yet another process and can be used as an identifying token
+ Ability to send file descriptors across process boundaries
+ Simple Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL)
+ Built-in support for marshalling many common data-types
+ Simplified transaction invocation model via auto-generated proxies and stubs (Java-only)
+ Recursion across processes - i.e. behaves the same as recursion semantics when calling methods on local objects
+ Local execution mode (no IPC/data marshalling) if the client and the service happen to be in the same process
- But:
+ No support for RPC (local-only)
+ Client-service message-based communication - not well-suited for streaming
+ Not defined by POSIX or any other standard
- Most apps and core system services depend on Binder
+ Most app component life-cycle call-backs (e.g. onResume(), onDestory(), etc.) are invoked by ActivityManagerService via binder
+ Turn off binder, and the entire system grinds to a halt (no display, no audio, no input, no sensors, …)
+ Unix domain sockets used in some cases (e.g. RILD)
IPC with Intents and ContentProviders?
- Android supports a simple form of IPC via intents and content providers
- Intent messaging is a framework for asynchronous communication among Android components
+ Those components may run in the same or across different apps (i.e. processes)
+ Enables both point-to-point as well as publish-subscribe messaging domains
+ The intent itself represents a message containing the description of the operation to be performed as well as data to be passed to the recipient(s)
+ Implicit intents enable loosely-coupled APIs
- ContentResolvers communicate synchronously with ContentProviders (typically running in separate apps) via a fixed (CRUD) API
- All android component can act as a senders, and most as receivers
- All communication happens on the Looper (a.k.a. main) thread (by default)
- But:
+ Not really OOP
+ Asynchronous-only model for intent-based communication
+ Not well-suited for low-latency
+ Since the APIs are loosely-defined, prone to run-time errors
+ All underlying communication is based on Binder!
+ In fact, Intents and ContentProvider are just a higher-level abstraction of Binder
+ Facilitated via system services: ActivityManagerService and PackageManagerService
Messenger IPC
- Android’s Messenger represents a reference to a Handler that can be sent to a remote process via an Intent
- A reference to the Messenger can be sent via an Intent using the previously mentioned IPC mechanism
- Messages sent by the remote process via the messenger are delivered to the local handler
- Messages are like Intents, in that they can designate the "operation" (aMessage.what) and data(aMessage.getData())
- Still asynchronous, but lower latency/overhead
- Great for efficient call-backs from the service to the client
- Messages are by default handled on the Looper thread
- All underlying communication is still based on Binder!
Binder Terminology
- Binder (Framework)
: The overall IPC architecture
- Binder Driver
: The kernel-level driver that fascinates the communication across process boundaries
- Binder Protocol
: Low-level protocol (ioctl-based) used to communicate with the Binder driver
- IBinder Interface
: A well-defined behavior (i.e. methods) that Binder Objects must implement
: Android Interface Definition Language used to describe business operations on an IBinder Interface
- Binder (Object)
: A generic implementation of the IBinder interface
- Binder Token
: An abstract 32-bit integer value that uniquely identifies a Binder object across all processes on the system
- Binder Service
: An actual implementation of the Binder (Object) that implements the business operations
- Binder Client
: An object wanting to make use of the behavior offered by a binder service
- Binder Transaction
: An act of invoking an operation (i.e. a method) on a remote Binder object, which may involve sending/receiving data, over the Binder Protocol
- Parcel
: "Container for a message (data and object references) that can be sent through an IBinder." A unit of transactional data - one for the outbound request, and another for the inbound reply
- Marshalling
: A procedure for converting higher level applications data structures (i.e. request/response parameters) into parcels for the purposes of embedding them into Binder transactions
- Unmarshalling
: A procedure for reconstructing higher-level application data-structures (i.e. request/response parameters) from parcels received through Binder transactions
- Proxy
: An implementation of the AIDL interface that un/marshals data and maps method calls to transactions submitted via a wrapped IBinder reference to the Binder object
- Stub
: A partial implementation of the AIDL interface that maps transactions to Binder Service method calls while un/marshalling data
- Context Manager (a.k.a. servicemanager)
: A special Binder Object with a known handle (registered as handle 0) that is used as a registry/lookup service for other Binder Objects (name → handle mapping)
Binder Communication and Discovery
- As far as the client is concerned, it just wants to use the service:
- While processes cannot directly invoke operations (or read/write data) on other processes, the kernel can, so they make use of the Binder driver:
* Since the service may get concurrent requests from multiple clients, it needs to protect (synchronize access to) its mutable state.
- Binder driver is exposed via /dev/binder and offers a relatively simple API based on open, release, poll, mmap, flush, and ioctl operations.
- In fact most communication happens via ioctl(binderFd, BINDER_WRITE_READ, &bwd), where bwd is defined as:
struct binder_write_read { signed long write_size; /* bytes to write */ signed long write_consumed; /* bytes consumed by driver */ unsigned long write_buffer; signed long read_size; /* bytes to read */ signed long read_consumed; /* bytes consumed by driver */ unsigned long read_buffer; };
- The write_buffer contains a series of commands for the driver to perform
+ Book-keeping commands, e.g. inc/decrement binder object references, request/clear death notification, etc.
+ A command requiring a response, like BC_TRANSACTION
- Upon returning, the read_buffer will contain commands for the user-space to perform
+ Same book-keeping commands
+ A command requesting processing of the response (i.e. BC_REPLY) or a request to perform a nested (recursive) operation
- Clients communicate with services via transactions, which contain a binder token, code of the method to execute, raw data buffer, and sender PID/UID (added by the driver)
- Most-low-level operations and data structures (i.e. Parcel) are abstracted by libbinder (at the native level), which is what the clients and services use.
- Except that clients and services don’t want to know anything about the Binder protocol and libbinder, so they make use of proxies and stubs:
# Java-based proxies and stubs can be automatically generated by aidl tool for services described with AIDL.
- In fact, most clients don’t even want to know that they are using IPC, never mind Binder, or proxies, so they count on managers to abstract all of that complexity for them:
# This is in particular true for system services, which typically expose only a subset of their APIs to the clients via their managers.
- But how does the client get a handle to the service it wants to talk to? Just ask the servicemanager (Binder’s CONTEXT_MGR), and hope that the service has already registered with it:
# For security/sanity reasons, the binder driver will only accept a single/one-time CONTEXT_MGR registration, which is why servicemanager is among the first services to start on Android.
! Tip
To get a list of services currently registered with servicemanager, run:
$ adb shell service list Found 71 services: 0 sip: [android.net.sip.ISipService] 1 phone: [com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephony] … 20 location: [android.location.ILocationManager] … 55 activity: [android.app.IActivityManager] 56 package: [android.content.pm.IPackageManager] … 67 SurfaceFlinger: [android.ui.ISurfaceComposer] 68 media.camera: [android.hardware.ICameraService] 69 media.player: [android.media.IMediaPlayerService] 70 media.audio_flinger: [android.media.IAudioFlinger]
Another way to look at it:
Location Service: An Example
Binder Object Reference Mapping Across Process Boundaries
- A binder object reference is one of the following
+ An actual virtual memory address to a binder object in the same process
+ An abstract 32-bit handle to a binder object in another process
- On every transaction, the binder driver automatically maps local addresses to remote binder handles and remote binder handles to local addresses
- This mapping is done on:
+ Targets of binder transactions
+ IBinder object references shared across process boundaries as a parameter or a return value (embedded in transaction data)
- For this to work
+ The driver maintains mappings of local addresses and remote handles between processes (as a binary-tree per process) so that it can perform this translation
+ References embedded in transaction data are discovered based on offsets that the client provides when it submits its transaction and then rewritten in-place
- The binder driver does not know anything about binder objects that have never been shared with a remote process
+ Once a new binder object reference is found in a transaction, it is remembered by binder
+ Any time that reference is shared with another process, its reference count is incremented
+ Reference count is decremented either explicitly or automatically, when the process dies
+ When a reference is no longer needed, its owner is notified that it can be released, and binder removes its mapping
Building a Binder-based Service and Client by Example
- To demonstrate a Binder-based service and client (based on Fibonacci), we’ll create three separate projects:
1. FibonacciCommon library project - to define our AIDL interface as well as custom types for parameters and return values
2. FibonacciService project - where we implement our AIDL interface and expose it to the clients
3. FibonacciClient project - where we connect to our AIDL-defined service and use it
- The code is available
As a ZIP archive: https://github.com/marakana/FibonacciBinderDemo/zipball/master
By Git: git clone https://github.com/marakana/FibonacciBinderDemo.git
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